
Estimate Calculator

Cost of Overhead Line Rs.
Cost of Underground Line Rs.
Total Estimate (Line Installation by Licensee) (exclusive GST) Rs.
GST(18%) Rs.
Total Estimate (Line Installation by Licensee) (inclusive GST) Rs.
Total Estimate (Line Installation by Applicant) (exclusive GST) Rs.
Total Estimate (Line Installation by Applicant) (inclusive GST) Rs.


Above estimation is done as per Cost data book approved by Hon. UPERC and esatimation may change based on actual site condition such as :-

  1. Additional double pole
  2. Railway Crossing
  3. River Crossing
  4. Highway/Road Crossing
  5. Right of Way Objections
  6. Avilability of Bay
  7. Presence of existing Underground network of power corporation as well as other department
  8. Presence of Sewer or IGL network
  9. Requirement of underground tranchless line